WirelessHART - flexibility in process management
Reduce your project costs thanks to more efficient planning and rapid installation
WirelessHART is a wireless technology specifically conceived for process automation. It adds wireless capabilities to the HART protocol while maintaining compatibility with existing HART devices, commands and tools.
WirelessHART has a number of features, e.g. self-organization and self-healing, that ensure reliable operation, flexibility and quick installation. Security and integrity are guaranteed by time synchronized communication, key management and encryption according to AES128.
Advantages of WirelessHART technology
Remote and difficult-to-access measuring points connected without expensive cables
Simple planning, rapid installation, quick integration into the plant infrastructure
High level of reliability due to redundant communication paths
Easiest upgrade of Endress+Hauser and 3rd party HART devices
Simple parameterization and monitoring of entire plant sections using DTM and DD technology with e.g. FieldCare, Plant Asset Management software

State-of-the-art technology
WirelessHART is a technology for wireless communication specifically conceived for process automation. It adds wireless capabilities to the HART protocol while maintaining compatibility with existing HART devices, commands and tools.
The network and security manager is responsible for configuring, managing and monitoring the network
The WirelessHART network protocol has built in safeguards that ensure reliable and secure communication
Many possibilities for use
Successfully WirelessHART solutions implemented worldwide.
WirelessHART technology already finds use worldwide. Endress+Hauser’s specialists have realized numerous challenging projects professionally and to the full satisfaction of their customers.
WirelessHART offers solutions for:
Rapid and flexible installation
Flexible and mobile installations
Moving plant equipment
Bridging obstacles
Upgrading legacy technology
Start networking with WirelessHART
Upgrade your HART or 4 to 20 mA device with wireless technology using a WirelessHART Adapter SWA70 and Fieldgate SWG70. Our adapter and fieldgate concept allows legacy and new devices to be integrated into a wireless network.
Endress+Hauser offers a unique selection of HART and 4 to 20 mA devices as well as a multitude of supporting services. We guarantee seamless integration into the systems of a wide variety of manufacturers.
Components of a WirelessHART network
The WirelessHART Adapter transmits the measurement and diagnostic information of the attached HART device
The WirelessHART Fieldgate receives the information and makes it available to the plant network via Modbus or OPC using Ethernet or RS485 communication
The information is made available via: Modbus TCP, HART protocol or EtherNet/IP
Robust security and authentication measures following open standards with state-of-the-art key management ensure that network and data are protected at all times
WirelessHART ensure efficient planning & rapid installation

Productos estándar
- Seguros, resistentes y con poco mantenimiento
Excelencia técnica
Productos de alta gama
- Altamente funcionales y prácticos
Excelencia técnica
Productos especializados
- Diseñados para aplicaciones exigentes
Excelencia técnica
Gamas FLEX | Excelencia técnica | Simplicidad |
Gama Fundamental Satisfaga sus necesidades básicas de medición |
Excelencia técnica
Gama Lean Maneje los principales procesos fácilmente |
Excelencia técnica
Gama Extended Optimice sus procesos con tecnologías innovadoras |
Excelencia técnica
Gama Xpert Domine las aplicaciones más exigentes |
Excelencia técnica
Variable |
Catálogo de competencias en WirelessHART
Las soluciones WirelessHART de Endress+Hauser le proporcionan más información sobre sus procesos y su planta. También se reducen sus costes de proyecto gracias a una planificación eficiente y una instalación rápida.
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