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  • History

Innovative TempC Membrane

Highest accuracy and safety in pressure and differential pressure measurement with diaphragm seals

In processes with very high or very low temperatures, aggressive media or strong vibrations, diaphragm seals offer optimum measuring results. To measure even more precisely in such applications and to increase process safety, Endress+Hauser has developed the TempC (Temperature Compensatory) Membrane on basis of a completely novel technology. The patented TempC Membrane guarantees highest accuracy and increased process safety thanks to its new technology even in very demanding applications.

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TempC Membrane with flanges for the process industries

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TempC Membrane for hygienic applications

Deltabar FMD78 with TempC Membrane for the process industries ©Endress+Hauser
Cerabar PMP75 with TempC Membrane for the process industries ©Endress+Hauser
Cerabar PMP55 with TempC Membrane for the process industries ©Endress+Hauser
Cerabar PMP55 with TempC Membrane ©Endress+Hauser
Cerabar PMP75 with TempC Membrane ©Endress+Hauser
Deltabar FMD71 with TempC Membrane ©Endress+Hauser

TempC Membrane with flanges for the process industries


  • Increase your profitability and plant availability

  • The very low temperature effect minimizes the influence of fluctuations of both process and ambient temperatures thus guaranteeing accurate and stable measurements. Temperature-effects on the signal are reduced to a minimum.

  • TempC Membrane may be used in the temperature range of -40°C to +400°C. In the food and life sciences industry TempC Membrane guarantees the highest degree of process safety even for very long sterilization and cleaning cycles (CIP/SIP).

  • Fast membrane recovery after temperature shocks of the diaphragm permits shorter downtime in batch applications and thus a significantly higher availability of production facilities.

  • Thanks to the TempC Membrane, smaller dimension process connections are possible. The new diaphragm detects with a smaller process connection more accurate than conventional diaphragms with a larger diameter.

Following products are available with the innovative TempC Membrane:

  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Technical excellence


  • Standard products

  • Reliable, robust and low-maintenance

Technical excellence


  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


  • Specialized products

  • Designed for demanding applications

Technical excellence



FLEX selections Technical excellence Simplicity
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Meet your basic measurement needs

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Handle your core processes easily

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Optimize your processes with innovative technologies

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Master your most challenging applications

Technical excellence



