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Endress+Hauser opens new logistics hub in India

New center in India improves service capabilities and supports expansion in the Asia-Pacific region

Publication date: 04.07.2024

Endress+Hauser has opened a new logistics hub in the city of Bhiwandi, northeast of Mumbai, India. The facility was inaugurated in February 2024 and is designed to meet the growing demands of the Asia-Pacific market.

“The expansion of our logistics network in India reaffirms our commitment to customer satisfaction. With the modern logistics hub, we are ready for a new era of growth and collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region,” says Oliver Blum, Corporate Director of Supply Chain at Endress+Hauser.

The new logistics hub is operated jointly with the long-standing partner Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and covers an area of more than 6,000 square meters. It offers a significant increase in storage capacity and logistics operations compared to the previous facility.

The hub features state-of-the-art facilities including manufacturing divisions, service centers, calibration units and meeting rooms. It currently supports the delivery of instruments to customers in India and over 20 other countries, with plans to expand services to other countries in the coming months.

The hub is the latest of four regional logistics hubs. In addition to India, Endress+Hauser operates regional logistics hubs in Germany, China and the USA. They are an integral part of Endress+Hauser’s global transportation network serving customers around the world.


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