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  • History

Improving plant efficiency along the life cycle

Software and online tools support EMS GmbH’s activity

In addition to the large industrial customers in the Schwarza Industrial Park, EMS GmbH provides many small and medium-sized industrial facilities with electric power, heat, industrial and process water, compressed air and nitrogen. Software and online tools from Endress+Hauser provides EMS GmbH the support needed every step of the way, from engineering to maintenance.

Software and online tools provide EMS GmbH support from engineering to maintenance. ©EMS Schwarza GmbH Germany

EMS Schwarza GmbH improved plant efficiency along the life cycle. (Photo by A. Karlen)

The results 

  • Simple and reliable selection of the instruments

  • Time-saving online procurement of measuring devices

  • Central, digital management of the instruments

  • Full transparency throughout the system’s entire life cycle

The solutions provided by Endress+Hauser are truly well thought-out and save time in my daily work!

Endress+Hauser offers excellent tools over the entire plant life cycle. From the beginning to the end, they are truly well thought-out solutions that save me time in my daily work!

Gunnar Fritsche, Maintenance foreman
EMS GmbH, Industrial Park Schwarza Germany

Customer challenge

All information on the power plant process and the energy distribution are brought together centrally. State-of-the-art monitoring and control technology is necessary to enable a reliable, interference-free energy supply for all customers.

Our solution 

In the electrical measuring, control and regulation field, EMS GmbH relies on the measuring technologies, services and solutions of Endress+Hauser. The software solutions provided play an important role in their daily work. While Endress+Hauser’s Applicator supports the easy selection and design of the measuring technology, the Online Shop helps as an additional information platform with fast procurement of products.

Operational data collected in W@M Enterprise

In the operating phase, the measuring instruments are operated and configured through FieldCare. All important information for electrical measuring, control and regulation technology are collected in the W@M Enterprise central maintenance database.

Efficient cross-process cooperation

Data on a system and its components begins accumulating from the first day of planning and forward. From design and engineering, procurement of devices, installation and commissioning, to operation and maintenance: in each phase of the life cycle of a system and its components, information is required. W@M Life Cycle Management is an open and flexible information platform with software applications and services to support the user throughout the entire life cycle of their plant.

Main steps from project meeting to solution

As part of a project meeting EMS GmbH and Endress+Hauser discussed direct measures for optimizing the different processes in the entire life cycle of the plant. EMS GmbH saw the benefit of the support provided through all life cycle phases and decided to go with Endress+Hauser’s proposed solution. This begins with the simple selection of the measuring technology in engineering with Applicator and ends in the central, self-administering W@M Enterprise maintenance database.

Installation and training on-site

The corresponding software modules are installed by Endress+Hauser associates on-site. EMS employees are then trained thoroughly to allow for immediate and sustainable use of the individual tools.