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  • History

Wastewater measurement that works

Wastewater sampling at Hofbrauhaus Freising

The brewer’s full attention is focused on the beer. He can’t be concerned with legally prescribed samplings of wastewater. For this reason, Hofbrauhaus Freising relies on Endress+Hauser and its decades of experience in manufacturing industrial measuring instruments. This is because the brewery knows they can depend on Endress+Hauser’s built-in solution with flowmeter and sampler.

Wastewater sampling in a shaft ©Endress+Hauser

Wastewater sampling in a shaft

electromagnetic flowmeter Promag L 400 ©Endress+Hauser

Proline Promag L 400 - The flowmeter with integrated web server and a weight-optimized sensor

Wastewater sampling in a shaft

Proline Promag L 400 – a sure thing

  • Sampling is secure and reliable. Maintenance and manual intervention are reduced to a minimum.

  • The master brewer can devote himself to his task and passion for brewing excellent beer with a great tradition.

Hofbrauhaus Freising

This critical measuring point simply has to work 24/7. Endress+Hauser measuring instruments ensure that it will do just that. Reliably, every day.

Arno Jacobi,, Technical Manager
Hofbrauhaus Freising

Legally prescribed sampling of the brewery’s wastewater

Wastewater sampling is automatically carried out based on the flow rate. As this happens, the flowmeter must control the sampler precisely to ensure that the legally prescribed samples can be taken and recorded. Sampling has to work dependably around the clock, without any trouble or maintenance.

Installation in the shaft – out of sight, out of mind?

Electromagnetic flowmeter Promag L 400 ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser recommended a Promag L 400 in combination with a Memograph M recorder for the measuring point. The Promag L 400, developed specifically for measuring water and wastewater of any kind, is extremely robust and maintenance-free.

That makes Promag L 400 ideal for this application. It is installed in the difficult to access wastewater shaft where the ASP Station 2000 RPS20 sampler is also installed. Here the saying is actually true, but in a positive sense: out of sight, out of mind.

Hofbrauhaus Freising

Cover picture Hofbrauhaus Freising Copyright by Hofbrauhaus Freising

Hofbrauhaus Freising is one of the oldest breweries in Germany. Its history dates all the way back to the 12th century. A brewery on the cathedral hill (Domberg) was first mentioned in a document from 1160 during the rule ofFreising‘s prince-bishop Albert I of Harthausen. The brewery has its own brewing water exclusively used for producing over ten kinds of beer. This water is located more than 120 meters underground and is thus completely free of harmful environmental pollution.